July 21, 2023
No doubt you have noticed, the spider population has increased this year. Remember over the past few years, we were in a drought or recovering from a drought. So the insect and spider population was noticeably down. But when we have had an increase in moisture, it brings about an increase in insects. When insects increase, their predators also increase thus, the increase in spiders. What can we do about it? One method of control for insects and spiders is an obvious one – having a clean home. Dusting and vacuuming are very good methods for controlling spiders inside your house . But then when you go outside, you may see webs and spiders around your porch lights, on your eves, under your decks, under the siding around your house, and even in your mulch or bushes around your property. You may see a beautifully made circular web, and just a few inches to the right or left you’ll see a very large spider called a web orb spider. Although they may not cause any harm to you or me, they look like a big crab sitting underneath your deck. They eat a lot of insects!
With the attraction of available food comes other types of spiders, such as black widows, wolf spiders, and cellar spiders all wanting in on the feast. But being a homeowner like me, you don’t want to share your home with bad or even good predators, and that’s why you need professional help to treat and get rid of spiders. Your typical household spider sprays do not have the strength to permanently eliminate a spider issue. Spiders are killed by contact, or they may be killed ingesting a poisoned insect, or through specially designed pesticide dust and sometimes even just a good old broom. Today’s chemicals used by a professional exterminator are residual which means they last long enough in the area applied to allow spiders and insects to pass through and absorb through their exoskeleton, be poisoned by eating another poisoned insect, or possibly even by grooming themselves in a treated area. The point is, today’s professionals have the education necessary to access and determine the best possible treatment for your specific needs and protection.